Founder + Educator + Blogger: The Compostess

The Compostess

Who knew that my passion for sustainability and recycling organics could turn into a blog, a book deal, and a platform to share a good green message across print, radio and video?

When I completed my Master Composter Certification in 2009, I wondered how I could make the message and practice of composting accessible and desirable for the city’s eco-curious set. Essentially, compost needed rebranding. Too many misconceptions about composting (it’s gross, it’s messy, you have to be a farmer with mountains of manure to do it) scared people away from it, even though it can be an easy, discreet way to process food and lawn scraps at home.

I created The Compostess first as a service, bringing in-home consultations and composting events to individuals, schools and private groups. The tone was light, friendly, funny and lifestyle-driven, emphasizing how composting can fit into all walks of life, any kind of schedule. Media attention led to a book deal, and I wrote, illustrated and published “Compost City: Practical Composting Know-How for Small-Space Living” with Roost Books in spring of 2015.

Now, The Compostess is a blog full of eco fun. In December 2015, I launched a YouTube channel chronicling some of my adventures. I also give lectures, classes, and workshops to private and community groups.

Following are select clips featuring me, my blog and/or “Compost City!”


“100 Ways to Have Your Most Organic Year Ever,” (Rodale’s Organic Life Magazine, Jan/Feb 2016)

Roadie's Organic Life Magazine Rebecca Louie The Compostess
Hee hee. Both amazing and awkward! 😀


Podcast: Talking Compost and Compost City with Juice Guru Radio” (Juice Guru Radio, 11/27/15)

Composting: The Whys and Hows” (, 11/12/15)

Compost City: An Interview with Rebecca Louie, The Compostess” (, 11/10/15)

How to Host a Pumpkin Smash (and Compost Jack O Lanterns)” (, 10/27/15)

I Just Started Composting in My Apartment and You Can Too,” (, 8/13/15)

Reviews: Compost City: Practical Composting Know-How for Small-Space Living” (Sanctuary Magazine, Issue 32)

Review: Compost City” (, 6/5/15)

Video: Trevose Day School, Neshaminy Montessori Students Compost” (Bucks County Courier Times, 5/27/15)

Dancing in the Dirt: Trevose Day School Launches Sustainability Curriculum” (The Midweek Wire, 5/26/15)

Small-Scale Composting for Urban and Suburbanites” (The Denver Post, 5/16/15)

Composting in New York City is Not as Challenging as You Think and its Getting Easier” (, 11/4/15)


How to Make Compost Using Worms” (Wired UK, 11/13/14)

Your Compost Will Not Attract Vermin, Take Over Your Apartment, Or Produce Toxic Fumes” (Smithsonian Magazine, 6/20/2014)

Can of Worms: Want to Keep Your Food Scraps Out Of Landfills? Call The Compostess” (Edible Manhattan, 5/5/13)

Rebecca Louie The Compostess Edible Manhattan Photographer Sari Goodfriend
A shot of me from an article about The Compostess in Edible Manhattan. Photograph by Sari Goodfriend.

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